Year Of The Card


I have a bad reputation…

… for giving birthday cards. My family and friends do not expect to get one from me anymore. Which is honestly very sad because I enjoy making cards and I love giving personalised art to the people I care about.
The reality is that deadlines crop up, exciting opportunities come along, and I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Card designing or shopping falls to the wayside until the last second, and I find myself in shops with ranges that don’t suit my tastes. In addition to this, I confess that I’m a card snob. I’d rather not give a card than give one I don’t like.

But I don’t want a bad reputation any longer. Which has led me to a self-initiated project I’ve called the Year of the Card Challenge. Where I’m designing, printing and giving a card to each of my close family members, following the theme: Animals with Hobbies, and matching the hobby to the family member. If all goes to plan I’m making it a tradition, to change my reputation, and show my loved ones how much I care.

(And in a fun coincidence, it turns out there’s a close family birthday in every month of the year!)